Thursday, November 26, 2009

here a baby, there a baby, everywhere a baby!

Today Blossom and I had a slight disagreement.

I was speaking on the phone with a co-worker this morning when I suddenly heard the mew of a scared kitten coming from what seemed to be my bedroom. Blossom was standing in front of me looking around, acting surprised, as if she had no idea where that sound was coming from. I told my co-worker that I had to go because I could hear a kitten crying in my bedroom, but I couldn't tell where from. Blossom looked with me, as if she didn't know where the baby was, even though it had been her who had moved it into my bedroom. I finally narrowed down the sound and moved a pillow that was on the floor only to find a crying baby under my bedside table. "No, Blossom! This is MY room! No babies are allowed!". I picked up the baby and marched back to the bathroom where the babies are set up; this area allows Blossom to have her food & water dishes nearby, as well as the litter. And it gives her a room to herself, as the washroom is quite big (it's built to be wheelchair accessible.

Blossom tried two more times to carry babies out of the bathroom and to my bedroom, only to now find the door shut. The second time I carried the baby back to the bathroom again and the third time she carried it back herself (see picture below). Finally she gave in and just kept them in the bathroom (though I offered that we could put them in my den! But nooooo... she's a picky girl, this one!)

Anyway, it looks a whole lot like all the kittens are boys, but I want to give it another week or two just to be sure. They are *very* feisty and scrap a lot over who gets which nipple. They are a fierce bunch.

Below are some pics for you to enjoy.... once again, click on the picture for larger versions. Enjoy!


  1. Insanely, INSANELY cute. Jay would divorce me if I tried to bring one home, though...seriously. :)

    Good luck finding homes for these cuties. I have emailed out a link for the blog to some friends and coworkers, I think what you are doing is awesome.


  2. Blossom is such a pretty cat, she reminds me of my Captain, who died of F.I.P. He was the best cat I ever had. I wish I could take her. I hope she and her kittens find a wonderful home. Best of luck.
